Recumbent Bikes

Most machines work front-to-back. The Helix turns tradition on its side- literally. With lateral (or side-to-side) movement, you use more muscles, which means you burn more fat than during a traditional workout- in the same amount of time. Science proves it. Plus Helix's patented motion tones your butt core and inner/outer thighs better than old-fashioned cardio machines.
HR3500 Touch Recumbent
Call 316-681-3611 for price and availability.For Quads – a Smooth, Demanding & Powerful Workout For Knees, Hips, Back – Strengthens Key Support Musculature For Seniors, Injured & Deconditioned – Delivers Enhanced Stability & Fall Prevention 360° Training Activates Entire Lower Body Much Greater Strengthening & Calorie Burn At Your Own Pace’ Intensity Control Gluteus Medius & Maximus Inner & Outer Thighs Dramatic Strengthening & Toning Benefits